ICV Certification

  • ICV certification is a process to certify supplier or contractor ICV score by the independent pre-approved ICV certifiers.

  • Purpose of ICV Certification:
    1. To ensure validity and accuracy of the information provided by suppliers in terms of ICV Contribution.
    2. To ensure suppliers’ ICV scores are evidence-based and calculated according to the pre-defined methodologies.
  • Steps for obtaining an ICV Certificate: 


  • 1Supplier submits the completed ICV Scorecard or ICV Plan Submission Template to a pre-approved certifier
  • 2The certifier validates the ICV Submission Template using the required supporting documents
  • 3The supplier and the certifier must sign the certified ICV scorecard or plan, and accompanying Factual Finding Report (FFR)

To start your ICV certification process, or to contact Tawteen's approved ICV Certifiers, please visit Tawteen's ICV Digital Portal through the following link: icv.tawteen.com.qa